Sunday, December 28, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Just wanted to say to all of my supporters, 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I am so appreciative of the support I have had this year, in my first half marathon in February 2014, and in my preparations for this crazy 19.3 mile adventure. I feel so blessed!

Lots of mail has been sent for more requests for donations! (My hand hurts so bad as they are all hand written! Tried to make them special). If you do not receive anything from me and want me to mail you stuff, even if you are unable to make a donation and just want to support with prayers, please e-mail me your address to

You can also make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation and it count for your upcoming taxes if you do it before midnight on the 31st! :) Donate here.

Thank you again for your support this year. I can't wait for 2015!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Adventure Landing FUNraiser

Mark your calendars for my next fundraiser!

Monday, January 19, 2015
Laser tag, Go-Karts, Mini Golf, and more
at Adventure Landing in Jacksonville, FL
ONLY $15! (Normally $35)

I expect this to be my most successful fundraiser yet!!!
40% of all ticket sales will be donated directly to Noah's Light Foundation!

As always, you can also donate to my campaign page directly here.

Friday, November 21, 2014

St. Augustine 10K and PR!

This past weekend I ran the St. Augustine 10K.  I had a goal of running it in 1:15:00, and BEAT MY GOAL, 1:14:29.  I actually didn't think my goal was attainable, but I wanted it so bad, that I pushed myself hard throughout the entire race.  At mile 5 MapMyRun said "Time, 1 hour 1 minute 0 seconds."  And then I KNEW I could make the last 1.2 miles and beat my goal, I was so excited, and I did it!  It was a wonderful feeling!  And now I get to move on up in the corrals for my races in February!

I still need help in my fundraising.  Please consider supporting this amazing cause by donating here.  I truly believe Noah's Light will find the cure for pediatric cancer!

Happy running!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Thank you to the St. Johns Town Center Chick-fil-a and patrons!

We just had the Spirit Night at the St. Johns Town Center Chick-fil-a to benefit Noah's Light Foundation!  We racked in $65.98 just in cash donations from people who stopped by the table. THANK YOU to these generous donors! I enjoyed getting an opportunity to speak to people about Noah's Light, share Noah's story, and show them actual footage of the treatment the foundation is implementing.  I also spoke to many people personally affected by brain cancer, with family members who have passed away.  One girl's sister passed away from brain cancer and her name was Alyssa.  Crazy! I also met an aspiring pediatric oncologist.  What a great joy it was to meet these people and hear their stories.  To add to everything, The Noah Protocol was just FDA approved and will begin trials before the end of the year!!! This is so exciting! A cure is on the horizon!

Thanks Marcel and Andrea for your help!

I am still awaiting the total from Chick-fil-a for their contribution from the sales that night. I will keep you posted!

But as of right now...Holy cow! (Ha-Chick-fil-a, cows...I thought it was funny). We are 27.3% of the way to my goal! I feel so blessed! And this is before Chick-fil-a's contribution!

I feel so blessed to be supported by my friends, my co-workers, my family, and the community.

I NOAH cure is possible!!

Happy running....

P.S. I've improved my running times significantly.  I did a 5K training run last week and it was my best time for a 5K EVER. My 10K is next month in St. Augustine!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chick-fil-a Spirit Night on October 23rd!


The St. Johns Town Center Chick-fil-a is sponsoring a Spirit Night on Thursday, October 23rd from 4:30-7:30pm to benefit Noah's Light Foundation! 20% of your check will be donated directly to Noah's Light.  JUST MAKE SURE TO MENTION YOU ARE THERE FOR THE SPIRIT NIGHT.

As always, you can also donate directly to Noah's Light at or clicking here.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Updates on Red Elephant, Chick-fil-a, Crossfit, and a 10K

The Red Elephant Share Event in Tallahassee was a success and we raised $225 for Noah's Light Foundation! How awesome is that?! I am so thankful to all of my friends, to the FSU Catholic Student Union, to the parishioners of Good Shepherd parish, and to everyone who spread the word about this event and came out and supported Noah's Light!


I heard from multiple people as well that the Bishop of the Dioscese of Pensacola/Tallahassee, Bishop Gregory Parkes, said during the 6pm Mass that he had the privilege of meeting and praying with Noah and his mother before Noah's passing. WOW.  He encouraged everyone to attend the share event, and for that, I thank him.

On the horizon: Chick-fil-a is partnering up with Noah's Light to find a cure!  All those in Jacksonville, mark your calendars for Thursday, October 23rd, from 4:30pm-7:30pm.  The Town Center Chick-fil-a will be donating 20% of your check to Noah's Light.  All you have to do is say you're there for their Spirit Night!  Save the dates will be mailed out soon!

I have begun to attend Trinity Fitness for crossfit classes. I was so sore for almost a whole week, but the trainers there encouraged me after they found out that I am a runner, that I am going to get stronger through crossfit and be able to run longer and faster.  I pray this is true!

My first crossfit class at Trinity Fitness.

Lastly, I have signed up to run a 10K in St. Augustine in November.  This will hopefully be a good training run before my 10K and Half in February, and it'll also help me to move up in the corrals so I start earlier and with some more experienced runners.

Until then, I need to go for a run like now.... Happy Running!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thank you to all of my donors!

I have reached 12% of my $2000 goal thanks to some amazing people.  I am humbled in the support I have received so far and I am so thankful for their generosity.

The Red Elephant Share Event was great, I really enjoyed it, and I can't wait to hear about the final numbers. Thank you to everyone who came and supported Noah's Light! I have a fun story I will share when I get the final word...

Please spread the word about the great things Noah's Light Foundation is doing and send your friends and family to my campaign page.

Happy running,

Thursday, September 4, 2014

How Runners Think

You just have to see this buzzfeed article on thoughts every runner has while running. These are some of my favorite (Because they are 100% true).

1. What a beautiful day for a run!
2. This sucks.
3. Well, five miles is only two and half miles each way, which is basically two miles each way, so I’m really only running four miles. That’s not too far.
4. It’s starting to feel far.
5. How long have I been running? A year?

10. Oh! A fellow jogger!
11. Should I wave?
12. I’m totally gonna wave.
13. OOOK, they didn’t wave back. Never doing that again.

21. If I had a heart attack right now, I wonder who would find my body.
22. OMG, I hope I never find a dead body. Joggers always find dead bodies.

24. OK, I must be halfway done by now.
25. What?! Only two miles in?

32. Man, what are these people doing in front of me? Walking?!
34. Maybe if I pound my feet on the ground they’ll hear me coming and let me pass.

41. Actually, I wonder what I look like right now. 
42. * Checks out reflection in shop window * Yeesh.
43. Is that what I look like when I run? 
44. Whatever, I must be almost done by now. 
45. Heck yes. Three miles down, two to go. It’s all downhill from here. 

59. Focus. Focus on that sweet, delicious pizza waiting at the finish line, calling your name with its cheesy breath.
60. Wait, less than one mile to go? I am KILLING this run. 

70. OK, almost home. Should I shower first and order pizza or order pizza and shower before it shows up?
71. Yep, definitely ordering first. I earned that sh**.
72. Oh, no. Oh god no. Another runner. Should I wave?
73. No, be strong! Do not get burned again. 
74. OMG, SHE waved first! Hello! Yes! We are both runners! Look at us run!
75. I guess running’s not so bad.

As always, check out my campaign page here, AND YOU TALLAHASSEE PEOPLE, Red Elephant this Sunday, both locations, say you're there for the Share Event and they'll donate 15%! Woohoo!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thank you Ashley!

My heart does a little flip every time I get the e-mail saying I received another donation.  A huge thank you goes out to my dear friend Ashley for donating towards my $2000 goal. I am now 8.75% funded! WOO!

Postcards and letters went out this week! Check your mail!

Go visit my page at or click here.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Postcards on their way soon!

I have been busy today with working on fundraising materials.  I had some fun with watercolors and fancy editing on my Mac, and wallah! I've got postcards!!!

If you would like one or know of some people who would like one, please e-mail me at or by clicking here with your mailing address and I would be happy to send you one as soon as possible!

As always, you can visit my campaign page here, or type into the URL box

Thank you for following me! Please pray for me! I am about to go for a run...

Happy running,

Red Elephant Share Event

Just got the official event flyer from Red Elephant.  This can be really fun and supports the cause! Please consider coming and tell your friends!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Save the Date Tallaclassy!

Hey Tallahassee friends!! Save the date! Red Elephant has been amazing and is working with me to reach my $2000 goal for Noah's Light Foundation! They will donate 15% of the day's profits to the cause. All you have to do is go there and EAT (awesome, right?) and tell them you're there for the share event for Noah's Light Foundation!!! Save the date (September 7, 2014) and I'll remind you when it gets closer! And, I'll be there and would love to see you!

As always, you can visit my campaign page for more info on Noah's Light and my 19.3 mile journey.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Iron sharpens iron

It's really nice to sometimes have a running buddy who supports you, especially when you want to give up. I am going to be running the 19.3 miles in February alone, but having support during my training will become great memories and reminders for me when I'm running the 19.3 and want to give up. Support and prayers and encouragement are the ultimate donations for me in this time, and I want everyone to know how much I appreciate it!!! (thanks Marcel!) <3

We may look tired but it's cause 
we put everything we had into it!
And because this was before we ate dinner...

As a reminder, go visit my campaign page here to learn more about why I'm doing this and to consider making a donation.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

1 week down, 30 to go

That's right, my first week of training and fundraising has passed and I have 30 more weeks to go.  I know that seems like a lot, over a half a year, right?  But I know too that I need every one of those days to get my body ready and to raise enough funds.

But guess what, I'm on my way! I've already cut down my average mile pace by over a minute! And in my campaign I'm 6.25% of the way there to my $2000 goal! (That's $125).

THANK YOU to my dear friend Kristi and my awesome parents for being my first donors.

Stay tuned, I am planning some events, including share nights at our favorite restaurants in Tallahassee, Jacksonville, and Orlando, where the restaurant will donate a percentage of the night's profits to this cause. More info to come...

For a link to my campaign page, please click here.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Artistic ability at its best

I got some inspiration from a friend who has done a similar fundraiser, and she showed me the drawing her friend did for her that she could send out to all of her friends, family, acquaintances, etc. for her fundraising. Being totally unoriginal, I decided to copy that idea. And... (drum roll please) I drew this:

I would not at all mind suggestions. I need something for the left side to fill in that space, I'm thinking info to my blog and fundraising page.  And it's still all in pencil. I'm hoping to clean it up some before sending it out.  But what do you think?

Today is a day of rest for running. Will be back at it tomorrow.


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Bracelets have arrived!

So I'm about to go for a run this morning when I see that I have a package! I have about 20 of these bracelets to give away to my donors (and I can always order more!). I'm going to now wear one during every run. Even if you make the smallest of donations I will send you one of these!

Check out my campaign page here!

I will send you one of these bracelets if you donate!

AND there are going to be more surprise goodies for all of my donors! Stay tuned.....

Happy Running,

Friday, July 25, 2014

Training has begun!

If you are reading this, I want to thank you.  If you have come across my blog, it is likely because I or someone told you about this crazy adventure I've undertaken to run 19.3 miles for Noah's Light Foundation, an amazing organization working towards finding a cure for pediatric brain cancer.

I met Noah's Light Foundation at the convention preceding the 2014 Disney Princess Half Marathon weekend.  I remember listening to this energetic, passionate group talk about their goals, their ambitions, their love for all their runners.... I knew I wanted to be a part of it.

At last year's Half Marathon Weekend convention.

I am currently a mental health counselor for children with a wide variety of presenting problems: ADHD, aggression, grief, abuse, etc.  I love my job.  And one day I would like to focus specifically on pediatric oncology.  I want to be a support for those kids and families going through the journey of battling cancer.

This dream may be somewhere in the distant future.  Right now, I am trying to still make a difference in that area by fundraising and running for the cause.  Please help me help the kids.  I really do this all for the kids. 19.3 miles will be hard, I will not deny that... 6.2 miles on Saturday, and 13.1 miles on Sunday. But I will do it. I will do it.

Please click here to consider donating to this cause and to help me reach my goal of $2000.  I need YOUR help to reach the financial goal.  I'll take care of the 19.3 miles. :-)

Feel free to e-mail me as well with any questions you may have.

Thank you Kristi for my first donation!

Happy running,