Friday, July 25, 2014

Training has begun!

If you are reading this, I want to thank you.  If you have come across my blog, it is likely because I or someone told you about this crazy adventure I've undertaken to run 19.3 miles for Noah's Light Foundation, an amazing organization working towards finding a cure for pediatric brain cancer.

I met Noah's Light Foundation at the convention preceding the 2014 Disney Princess Half Marathon weekend.  I remember listening to this energetic, passionate group talk about their goals, their ambitions, their love for all their runners.... I knew I wanted to be a part of it.

At last year's Half Marathon Weekend convention.

I am currently a mental health counselor for children with a wide variety of presenting problems: ADHD, aggression, grief, abuse, etc.  I love my job.  And one day I would like to focus specifically on pediatric oncology.  I want to be a support for those kids and families going through the journey of battling cancer.

This dream may be somewhere in the distant future.  Right now, I am trying to still make a difference in that area by fundraising and running for the cause.  Please help me help the kids.  I really do this all for the kids. 19.3 miles will be hard, I will not deny that... 6.2 miles on Saturday, and 13.1 miles on Sunday. But I will do it. I will do it.

Please click here to consider donating to this cause and to help me reach my goal of $2000.  I need YOUR help to reach the financial goal.  I'll take care of the 19.3 miles. :-)

Feel free to e-mail me as well with any questions you may have.

Thank you Kristi for my first donation!

Happy running,

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