Friday, November 21, 2014

St. Augustine 10K and PR!

This past weekend I ran the St. Augustine 10K.  I had a goal of running it in 1:15:00, and BEAT MY GOAL, 1:14:29.  I actually didn't think my goal was attainable, but I wanted it so bad, that I pushed myself hard throughout the entire race.  At mile 5 MapMyRun said "Time, 1 hour 1 minute 0 seconds."  And then I KNEW I could make the last 1.2 miles and beat my goal, I was so excited, and I did it!  It was a wonderful feeling!  And now I get to move on up in the corrals for my races in February!

I still need help in my fundraising.  Please consider supporting this amazing cause by donating here.  I truly believe Noah's Light will find the cure for pediatric cancer!

Happy running!

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