Thursday, January 22, 2015

12 days, 20%

In just 12 days since my last post, we raised another ~20% of the goal...that's equivalent to over $400!!!! Y'ALL. I cried at receiving every one of these most recent donations (but not in front of anyone, I have a hard time crying in front of people, haha).  THANK YOU.

Thank you to:
My crazy little brother John
The sweet and kind Mary Catherine
The generous and supportive Megan and Jamey
The wonderful and loving Tiffany
And my best friend/sister from another mister Marcel

These amazing people helped me reach over 75% of my goal!!!

I am SO unbelievably blessed.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Over halfway there!

I am so excited (so excited I've cried, jumped for joy, my eyes have almost popped out of my head, etc.) because I have reach OVER FIFTY PERCENT OF MY GOAL.

We are 55.04% of the way to $2000!!!!

I am thrilled, blessed, encouraged, smitten, elated, charged, moved, fired up! If I'm completely honest, I was getting scared as 2015 came and is here and I was having a difficult time reaching my fundraising goal.  But because of some generous donors I have made it here!

Thank you: Sara, Avey, Mom and Dad, Aunt Shari and Uncle Fred, Fr. Chris, and Aunt Robin and Uncle Matt.  It's because of you guys I got to this point!

Only 44.96% more to go. WHAT?!

And...Only 41 days to go to reach my goal (and to keep training...did I mention I'm running 19.3 miles? Eek!)

Send everyone you know to my campaign page!

To my Jacksonville friends, I would love to see you at Adventure Landing on 1/19 4:30-7:30pm. Come out and have some fun and support a great cause! RSVP on the Facebook Page.

Much love,

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Just wanted to say to all of my supporters, 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I am so appreciative of the support I have had this year, in my first half marathon in February 2014, and in my preparations for this crazy 19.3 mile adventure. I feel so blessed!

Lots of mail has been sent for more requests for donations! (My hand hurts so bad as they are all hand written! Tried to make them special). If you do not receive anything from me and want me to mail you stuff, even if you are unable to make a donation and just want to support with prayers, please e-mail me your address to

You can also make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation and it count for your upcoming taxes if you do it before midnight on the 31st! :) Donate here.

Thank you again for your support this year. I can't wait for 2015!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Adventure Landing FUNraiser

Mark your calendars for my next fundraiser!

Monday, January 19, 2015
Laser tag, Go-Karts, Mini Golf, and more
at Adventure Landing in Jacksonville, FL
ONLY $15! (Normally $35)

I expect this to be my most successful fundraiser yet!!!
40% of all ticket sales will be donated directly to Noah's Light Foundation!

As always, you can also donate to my campaign page directly here.

Friday, November 21, 2014

St. Augustine 10K and PR!

This past weekend I ran the St. Augustine 10K.  I had a goal of running it in 1:15:00, and BEAT MY GOAL, 1:14:29.  I actually didn't think my goal was attainable, but I wanted it so bad, that I pushed myself hard throughout the entire race.  At mile 5 MapMyRun said "Time, 1 hour 1 minute 0 seconds."  And then I KNEW I could make the last 1.2 miles and beat my goal, I was so excited, and I did it!  It was a wonderful feeling!  And now I get to move on up in the corrals for my races in February!

I still need help in my fundraising.  Please consider supporting this amazing cause by donating here.  I truly believe Noah's Light will find the cure for pediatric cancer!

Happy running!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Thank you to the St. Johns Town Center Chick-fil-a and patrons!

We just had the Spirit Night at the St. Johns Town Center Chick-fil-a to benefit Noah's Light Foundation!  We racked in $65.98 just in cash donations from people who stopped by the table. THANK YOU to these generous donors! I enjoyed getting an opportunity to speak to people about Noah's Light, share Noah's story, and show them actual footage of the treatment the foundation is implementing.  I also spoke to many people personally affected by brain cancer, with family members who have passed away.  One girl's sister passed away from brain cancer and her name was Alyssa.  Crazy! I also met an aspiring pediatric oncologist.  What a great joy it was to meet these people and hear their stories.  To add to everything, The Noah Protocol was just FDA approved and will begin trials before the end of the year!!! This is so exciting! A cure is on the horizon!

Thanks Marcel and Andrea for your help!

I am still awaiting the total from Chick-fil-a for their contribution from the sales that night. I will keep you posted!

But as of right now...Holy cow! (Ha-Chick-fil-a, cows...I thought it was funny). We are 27.3% of the way to my goal! I feel so blessed! And this is before Chick-fil-a's contribution!

I feel so blessed to be supported by my friends, my co-workers, my family, and the community.

I NOAH cure is possible!!

Happy running....

P.S. I've improved my running times significantly.  I did a 5K training run last week and it was my best time for a 5K EVER. My 10K is next month in St. Augustine!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chick-fil-a Spirit Night on October 23rd!


The St. Johns Town Center Chick-fil-a is sponsoring a Spirit Night on Thursday, October 23rd from 4:30-7:30pm to benefit Noah's Light Foundation! 20% of your check will be donated directly to Noah's Light.  JUST MAKE SURE TO MENTION YOU ARE THERE FOR THE SPIRIT NIGHT.

As always, you can also donate directly to Noah's Light at or clicking here.