Tuesday, July 29, 2014

1 week down, 30 to go

That's right, my first week of training and fundraising has passed and I have 30 more weeks to go.  I know that seems like a lot, over a half a year, right?  But I know too that I need every one of those days to get my body ready and to raise enough funds.

But guess what, I'm on my way! I've already cut down my average mile pace by over a minute! And in my campaign I'm 6.25% of the way there to my $2000 goal! (That's $125).

THANK YOU to my dear friend Kristi and my awesome parents for being my first donors.

Stay tuned, I am planning some events, including share nights at our favorite restaurants in Tallahassee, Jacksonville, and Orlando, where the restaurant will donate a percentage of the night's profits to this cause. More info to come...

For a link to my campaign page, please click here.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Artistic ability at its best

I got some inspiration from a friend who has done a similar fundraiser, and she showed me the drawing her friend did for her that she could send out to all of her friends, family, acquaintances, etc. for her fundraising. Being totally unoriginal, I decided to copy that idea. And... (drum roll please) I drew this:

I would not at all mind suggestions. I need something for the left side to fill in that space, I'm thinking info to my blog and fundraising page.  And it's still all in pencil. I'm hoping to clean it up some before sending it out.  But what do you think?

Today is a day of rest for running. Will be back at it tomorrow.


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Bracelets have arrived!

So I'm about to go for a run this morning when I see that I have a package! I have about 20 of these bracelets to give away to my donors (and I can always order more!). I'm going to now wear one during every run. Even if you make the smallest of donations I will send you one of these!

Check out my campaign page here!

I will send you one of these bracelets if you donate!

AND there are going to be more surprise goodies for all of my donors! Stay tuned.....

Happy Running,

Friday, July 25, 2014

Training has begun!

If you are reading this, I want to thank you.  If you have come across my blog, it is likely because I or someone told you about this crazy adventure I've undertaken to run 19.3 miles for Noah's Light Foundation, an amazing organization working towards finding a cure for pediatric brain cancer.

I met Noah's Light Foundation at the convention preceding the 2014 Disney Princess Half Marathon weekend.  I remember listening to this energetic, passionate group talk about their goals, their ambitions, their love for all their runners.... I knew I wanted to be a part of it.

At last year's Half Marathon Weekend convention.

I am currently a mental health counselor for children with a wide variety of presenting problems: ADHD, aggression, grief, abuse, etc.  I love my job.  And one day I would like to focus specifically on pediatric oncology.  I want to be a support for those kids and families going through the journey of battling cancer.

This dream may be somewhere in the distant future.  Right now, I am trying to still make a difference in that area by fundraising and running for the cause.  Please help me help the kids.  I really do this all for the kids. 19.3 miles will be hard, I will not deny that... 6.2 miles on Saturday, and 13.1 miles on Sunday. But I will do it. I will do it.

Please click here to consider donating to this cause and to help me reach my goal of $2000.  I need YOUR help to reach the financial goal.  I'll take care of the 19.3 miles. :-)

Feel free to e-mail me as well with any questions you may have. alyssa.davie21@gmail.com

Thank you Kristi for my first donation!

Happy running,