Thursday, January 22, 2015

12 days, 20%

In just 12 days since my last post, we raised another ~20% of the goal...that's equivalent to over $400!!!! Y'ALL. I cried at receiving every one of these most recent donations (but not in front of anyone, I have a hard time crying in front of people, haha).  THANK YOU.

Thank you to:
My crazy little brother John
The sweet and kind Mary Catherine
The generous and supportive Megan and Jamey
The wonderful and loving Tiffany
And my best friend/sister from another mister Marcel

These amazing people helped me reach over 75% of my goal!!!

I am SO unbelievably blessed.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Over halfway there!

I am so excited (so excited I've cried, jumped for joy, my eyes have almost popped out of my head, etc.) because I have reach OVER FIFTY PERCENT OF MY GOAL.

We are 55.04% of the way to $2000!!!!

I am thrilled, blessed, encouraged, smitten, elated, charged, moved, fired up! If I'm completely honest, I was getting scared as 2015 came and is here and I was having a difficult time reaching my fundraising goal.  But because of some generous donors I have made it here!

Thank you: Sara, Avey, Mom and Dad, Aunt Shari and Uncle Fred, Fr. Chris, and Aunt Robin and Uncle Matt.  It's because of you guys I got to this point!

Only 44.96% more to go. WHAT?!

And...Only 41 days to go to reach my goal (and to keep training...did I mention I'm running 19.3 miles? Eek!)

Send everyone you know to my campaign page!

To my Jacksonville friends, I would love to see you at Adventure Landing on 1/19 4:30-7:30pm. Come out and have some fun and support a great cause! RSVP on the Facebook Page.

Much love,