Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thank you Ashley!

My heart does a little flip every time I get the e-mail saying I received another donation.  A huge thank you goes out to my dear friend Ashley for donating towards my $2000 goal. I am now 8.75% funded! WOO!

Postcards and letters went out this week! Check your mail!

Go visit my page at or click here.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Postcards on their way soon!

I have been busy today with working on fundraising materials.  I had some fun with watercolors and fancy editing on my Mac, and wallah! I've got postcards!!!

If you would like one or know of some people who would like one, please e-mail me at or by clicking here with your mailing address and I would be happy to send you one as soon as possible!

As always, you can visit my campaign page here, or type into the URL box

Thank you for following me! Please pray for me! I am about to go for a run...

Happy running,

Red Elephant Share Event

Just got the official event flyer from Red Elephant.  This can be really fun and supports the cause! Please consider coming and tell your friends!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Save the Date Tallaclassy!

Hey Tallahassee friends!! Save the date! Red Elephant has been amazing and is working with me to reach my $2000 goal for Noah's Light Foundation! They will donate 15% of the day's profits to the cause. All you have to do is go there and EAT (awesome, right?) and tell them you're there for the share event for Noah's Light Foundation!!! Save the date (September 7, 2014) and I'll remind you when it gets closer! And, I'll be there and would love to see you!

As always, you can visit my campaign page for more info on Noah's Light and my 19.3 mile journey.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Iron sharpens iron

It's really nice to sometimes have a running buddy who supports you, especially when you want to give up. I am going to be running the 19.3 miles in February alone, but having support during my training will become great memories and reminders for me when I'm running the 19.3 and want to give up. Support and prayers and encouragement are the ultimate donations for me in this time, and I want everyone to know how much I appreciate it!!! (thanks Marcel!) <3

We may look tired but it's cause 
we put everything we had into it!
And because this was before we ate dinner...

As a reminder, go visit my campaign page here to learn more about why I'm doing this and to consider making a donation.